Contact us:

2332 Albans Rd.
Houston, TX   77005

01 713 582 0237 (mobile)

01 833 SAGEUSA (phone or fax)

Following three decades of registration, operations and mailing addresses over Bissonnet, Robinhood, and Albans locations, all were consolidated at the Albans location.

9894 Bissonnet



1992:  Geocognetics, Inc. is formed by R. L. Boggess and J. S. Templeton, double-decade veterans of research, engineering, management, teaching and and consulting service for industry, government and academia.  Geocognetics establishes offices in the 9894 Bissonnet Building complete with a Local Area Network, becoming one of the first Houston area small engineering companies to complete its own LAN.

1993:  Geocognetics acquires a SPARC UNIX workstation computer, a license to the ABAQUS(R) finite element software and PC-to-UNIX bridging network software, becoming one of the first small engineering consulting concerns to offer ABAQUS-based nonlinear and geotechnical finite element analysis as a service to industry.

1994:  Geocognetics secures angel financing, purchases offshore geotechnical drilling rig and equipment and is awarded contract to perform series of 19 offshore geotechnical site investigations in El Palito area of Venezuela.  Geocognetics establishes alliance with the worldwide SAGE Group of companies for joint marketing and execution of offshore US geotechnical site investigations. 


1995:  Geocognetics acquires license to SAGE CRISP finite element software from SAGE Engineering, Ltd.   Geocognetics design technology for world's first chain-driven, continuous push, miniature cone penetrometer (MCPT) equipment.  Geocogneics establishes an internet presence with its own FTP site.  Worldwide SAGE organization joins with Geocognetics shareholders in the formation of SAGE Engineering, Inc. to commercialize MCPT equipment and to provide the worldwide SAGE organization a US presence for marketing and operations.

1996:  Houston based SAGE Engineering, Inc. acquires assets of Geocognetics including the MCPT technology.   Geocognetics remains an independent affiliate supplying resources to SAGE Engineering.  SAGE Engineering Inc. becomes the first SAGE affiliate to achieve an internet presence with the establishment of its HTTP site, and one of th first 100,000 web sites i n the world .  (By 2002 there would be 40 million websites worldwide.)  SAGE Enginering, Inc. completes extension of MCPT technology to marine application and delivers marine MCPT units to worldwide SAGE companies.   Worldwide SAGE companies successfully employ the MCPT equipment in water depths up to 5000 ft.  SAGE Engineering, Inc. posts profit for its first year of operation.

1997:   SAGE Engineering, Inc. is awarded dealership from SAGE Engineering, Ltd. to resell SAGE CRISP finite element software.  SAGE Enginering, Inc. provides additional marine MCPT units to worldwide SAGE companies.   Continued success in application of the MCPT technology to telecommunication cable route surveys enables SAGE to become a leading contender in the offshore pipeline route investigation business.  to become the worldwide leader in that emerging business.  Geocognetics retires all of its angel financing.


1998:  SAGE Engineeering. Inc. posts third straight profitable year, leading the worldwide SAGE Group in profitability, providing 10% of the worldwide profit and returning payments to the shareholders exceeding their total investment.  Geocognetics locks in favorable rent in the 9894 Bissonnet Building, renovating and expanding the SAGE USA affiliate office space.  SAGE Engineering, Ltd.  authorizes SAGE Engineering, Inc. to develop 3-D graphical interface for the SAGE CRISP program.

1999:  SAGE Engineering, Inc. demonstrates alpha test version of 3-D SAGE CRISP at CRISP annual users' meeting.  Successful application of the MCPT technology to telecommunication cable route surveys enables SAGE  to become the worldwide leader in that emerging business. 

2000:  Beta version of SAGE CRISP 3-D tested in Houston and London by SAGE Engineering and the CRISP Consortium and successfully applied to analysis of offshore suction piles.  SAGE Engineering, Inc. achieves autonomy following takeover of several SAGE affiliates by Racal Survey / Thompson CSF / Thales. 



2001:  SAGE CRISP USA formed to focus on commercial sales of  SAGE CRISP 3-D software.  First outside release of SAGE CRISP 3-D product made to Indian Oil and Natural Gas Company.  SAGE Engineering, Inc. awarded contract to perform 3-D nonlinear finite element dynamics analysis of soil - structure interaction under earthquake loading for large gravity base oil production structure in the offshore Sakhalin Island area.  SAGE Engineering, Inc. directs pioneering application of coupled effective stress finite element analyses to determine long term load holding capacity of suction anchor mooring piles for offshore floating production structures. 

2002:  SAGE Forensics business unit formed to focus on application of  SAGE USA resources to forensic investigation, expert testimony and litigation support.  Official release of  SAGE CRISP 3-D product officially annnounced at 2002 annual CRISP users' meeting.  First US commercial, academic and government sales of SAGE CRISP 3-D made to BP, Northwestern University and the U. S. Army Corps of Enginers.  First publication of work accomplished with the SAGE CRISP 3-D product made at 2002 Offshore Technology Conference.  Technology business unit formed to commercialize research, training and consulting in the technology for finite element analysis.