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Civil, Mechanical
Biomedical, Offshore
Structures, Foundations

SAGE engineers and consultants have expertise in a variety of engineering disciplines through engagements in a broad range of industries.  They have advanced degrees and/or faculty teachnig and research experience from leading universities including Drexel, Tulane, and University of Houston.  They have qualifications in public speaking and formal training in logic, ethics and forensic debate.  They have successfully completed numerous investigative studies, many of which have achieved national and international recognition.

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TANK FOUNDATION FAILURE CAUSE: Investigation by J. S. Templeton as to cause of catastrophic foundation failure of large storage tank for liuid petroleum products.  Review of foundation design records revealed that excellent site-specific soil data had been obtained and accurate foundation calculations had been performed according to a textbook method, but the textbook method had been applied beyond the dimensional range of its validity, resulting in substantial underdesign of the foundation. Given this situation, the failure was to be expected. A case study based upon this experience was adopted as a teaching example in a required course in Foundation Engineering at the University of Houston.


GROUND SUBSIDENCE EFFECTS: Investigation planned and directed by J. S. Templeton as to effects on structures of ground subsidence. Nonlinear finite element analyses successfully predicted history of subsidence-induced motions in the entire foundation zones of numerous structures for the world's largest offshore sulphur production facility. This work which was published in the Offshore Technology Conference proceedings enabled realistic and productive establishment of structural design criteria and was the central technical accomplishment of the project which was honored with awards as the National Society of Professional Engineers' Outstanding Project of the Year and the Offshore Technology Conference Project of the Year.


DISCREPANCY IN EQUIPMENT FAILURE UNDER VIBRATION: Investigation by J. S. Templeton to determine the reason why rate gyroscopes for Minuteman II Re-entry Vehicle inertial guidance system consistently and continually failed under random vibration testing at the prime contractor's laboratory but always passed same test at manufacturer's lab. Scrutiny of the contractor's test calibration procedures revealed that energy in the non-injurious ultrasonic frequency range was inadvertantly being included in the reported mean value of the controlled test vibration level, resulting in an under-test condition. Discovery and correction of this problem contributed to the continued success of the Minuteman II R/V program, which became a critical bargaining chip in the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.